Le Centre Alexandrin
d'Étude des Amphores

The Alexandrian Centre for Amphora Studies

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Amphores /

Méthodologie /
Amphores produites en Égypte /
Egyptian amphorae
AE 1 AE 2
AE 3 AE 4
AE 3 late
AE 5-6 AE 7
Bibliographie récente/
Recent bibliography
Calcul du volume d'une amphore /
Calculate the volume of an amphora
TYPOLOGY Egyptian Amphora TYPE 1
Classified as: Petos Group, AE 1
Conservation Place: Alexandria Graeco-Roman Museum
INVENTORY Inventory No: 17568
Diameter of rim: 15 cm
Diameter of foot: 3.5 cm
Height: 109 cm
Height of the handles: 30 cm
Section of the handles: Oval
Capacity: 43.98 lt
Description: Outcurved triangular rim, cylindric neck, angular shoulders and conic body tapering with a solid spike. It bears traces of reddish decorative bands on the body.
Some of the individuals of this form bear stamp impressions on the top of the oval sectioned handles.
Recent Bibliography : EMPEREUR-PICON 1998, p.77, fig. 2; SENOL-SENOL 2000, p.130, fig. 1; CANKARDES SENOL 2007, p.152, fig. 242; MARANGOU 2007, p. 678, fig. 1
FABRIC Colour of the clay : 10 R 5/6 red
Colour of the slip : 5 YR 7/4 pink (slightly conserved)
Colour of the surface :
10 R 5/4 weak red
Inclusions :
Calcerious , few grits, few mica
Texture : Medium hard, porous
PRODUCTION Production area : Egypt
Mareotis Coast and Delta Region
Production reference :
Dispersion :
Eastern Mediterranean and Egytian centers
Content : Wine
Date : Late 3rd c. BC
Chronology: 3rd – early 2nd c. BC
AE1 dessin
Amphore type AE1
Drawing Reference :
N. Sigalas
Photo Reference :
AE1 Micro
AE1 Micro
Microphoto Reference : DI.1695 Microphoto Reference : DI.1810
AE1 Production AE1 Production
Production Map Reference : CEAlex Topography Service
Dispersion Map Reference :
CEAlex Topography Service
See dispersion on Map 1